Prescription for Protection
Find below resources on how to keep your dunes healthy and achieve the highest level of sustainable coastal resiliency.

Coastal Preservation
Native coastal vegetation serve different ecological functions. Therefore, it is critical to use a diverse sampling when restoring dune ecosystems.
Dune Assessment
Proactive coastal stewardship mitigates storm risk: evaluate the health of your coastal property by learning about the symptoms of an at risk dune system.
Proactive Protection
Is your property ready for coastal storm surge? Learn proactive steps you can take to fortify your property against coastal storms.
Green vs White Landscaping
Coastal restoration requires a special understanding: learn how vegetation, geography, and environmental regulations will impact your coastal project.
Storm Preparation
Act now, develop a hurricane response plan: access information and tools to help you prepare for hurricane season.
Mitigation Efforts
Coastal improvements can dramatically mitigate loss. Learn about how different coastal communities are improving their resiliency by working with Dune Doctors.
Sand Bank
“Sand Banks” can trap wind-blown sand to help you build coastal dunes: learn more about how installing sand fence and native vegetation can help you build a “sand bank” on your property.
Dune Master Plan™
Do you have a long-term vision of what your dunes should look like? Learn more about how our exclusive Dune Master Plan™ provides a long-term vision of what your coastal restoration efforts should entail.
Coastal Authorities
Coastal restoration projects are subject to unique local, state, and federal laws. Learn more about how an expert can help you successfully navigate the regulations that can impact your coastal restoration project.
Winter Restoration Efforts
Call us to plan, construct or maintain your native ecosystem and protective landscape: we work on coastal restoration projects of all sizes and for every budget.
Hurricane Recovery
Let our storm recovery experts plan your future coastal landscape: learn more about how you can best respond to storm surge damage on your coastal property.
Coastal Partners
We can manage all aspects of your coastal project to optimize protection: learn more about our vetted list of select partners, including coastal engineers, architects, and general contractors.